I thought after highschool I'd never get trapped again. I'd never be tied down to a place. Enter College. Thanks. I'm probably stir crazy because this is my last year. My last year to get everything as close to right as it can be. The boyfriend wont be graduating, he's two years behind me, if not three. His own doing, I assure you. What happens to us after this? What if I go somewhere far away where he can't follow? Or shouldn't follow? We part ways...just like that. Unless I get knocked up, and that'll ruin everything.
I have too many people saying I should break it off with him. I don't know what's stopping me, other than, I still love him. I want to try to make it work with him, even though we are so different. Really different. Like Democratic 80s punk wanna be and Republican flower child different. Eventually, we want the same things but we want them at different times.
I feel like I should be getting engaged or making moves best for my career. And since he's too young to get engaged, Making moves for my career are starting to include spending less time with him as a side-affect. So hungry. I better go eat before I get sick. The smell of all the sweet stuff at work is actually making me puke.